Sunday, June 8, 2014

Our first donation option for our quilts - Human Options

Human Options is our first donation option for our quilts that I would like to present to you.  Here's who they are and what they do.

Human Options - Restoring Hope. Rebuilding Lives

Mission: To help battered women, their families and the entire community break the cycle of domestic violence.

What we do: Human Options breaks the cycle of domestic violence.

Formal research shows that 90-93% of our residential clients continue to be violence free one year or more after graduating from the program.

How we do it: Through effective crisis, long-term and prevention programs.
Emergency shelter and transitional living programs provide counseling, legal advocacy, case management and job readiness training for abused women and their children.

Long-term support helps to rebuild lives through our Children and Families Counseling Center.

Community education for youth grades K-12 creates a safe community and a new generation free of violence.

Domestic Violence Facts:
1 in 4 women will be physically assaulted by a partner during her lifetime

1 in 5 teens experience dating violence
Children who grow up in homes with domestic violence are more likely to become abusers or be abused
One third of all 911 calls reporting domestic violence are made by children (OC Domestic Violence Court)

90% of elder abuse is committed by family members

The cost of domestic violence to American businesses is $6 billion a year in sick and medical leaves and lost productivity

Their Second Step transitional housing program for families recovering from the effects of domestic violence are always in need of blankets and quilts.  They have 14 units in our housing complex.  Family sizes range from 2 to 5. 

For more information -

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